Sunday, April 04, 2004

UPDATE: Kossacks Despair

From the Kerry Campaign Blog:
In light of the unacceptable statement about the death of Americans made by Daily Kos, we have removed the link to this blog from our website. As John Kerry said in a statement earlier this week, "My deepest sympathies are with the families of those lost today. Americans know that all who serve in Iraq - soldier and civilian alike - do so in an effort to build a better future for Iraqis. These horrific attacks remind us of the viciousness of the enemies of Iraq's future. United in sadness, we are also united in our resolve that these enemies will not prevail."

Matt's Chat

It only took them a day to do it...color me impressed. I didn't think Kerry's team had it in them, but there will be a price to pay for it; the Deaniacs (or Kossacks as they are now alternatively known) are going to be really really angry.

Next thing, Kerry needs to disassociate himself from the Democratic Underground. Another bastion of Blame/Hate America First liberalism that makes Kos and Kossacks (some of the same people perhaps?) look fairly tame.


Jane is still with the Kossacks. Three other Dems have abandoned Kos, but Jane hasn't...yet...or will she?

Mark's Remarks

Kerry and the libs getting caught associating with someone who lets slip their true feelings about how they feel about America and her people.....Kerry probably agrees with Kos, but even Maestro Flip Flop is not so stupid as to believe that continuing with him will win him votes. He will do the politically expedient thing, even as I am sure he harbors some of the same resentment as this idiotic Kos person. As for Jane, I hope people remember who she was associating with come November and re-elect Mike Turner over this advertiser on terror supporters' websites.