Friday, April 02, 2004

Ohio Democrat Has Ties To Kos

From the Daily Kos
There's been much ado about my indifference to the Mercenary deaths in Falluja a couple days ago. I wrote in some diary comments somewhere that "I felt nothing" and "screw them".

My language was harsh, and, in reality, not true. Fact is, I did feel something. That's why I was so angry.
How John Effing Kerry of you Kos...did you feel something before you didn't? Check out the ORIGINAL posting:
Every death should be on the front page

Let the people see what war is like. This isn't an Xbox game. There are real repercussions of Bush's folly.

That said, I feel nothing over the death of mercenaries. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.
You Ohioians in the south Dayton area (near the Dayton Mall - in the MVCC viewing area) should know that Jane Mitakides, a candidate for Congress of the United States of America, advertises on Daily Kos. You know what they say about people and the company that they keep...

Jane's Website:
Quite a discussion going on over at Daily Kos about Jane's campaign -- check out commentary about some key Congressional "Races That Matter" nationwide and opinions on Ohio politics.
I hope that Jane has the sense to sever her campaigns relationship with Kos. Mainstream Democrats aren't really like least not the few sane Democrats I know. There are a few hamster Democrats I know who would stand up and cheer this sort of thing. I think that is just disgusting.

You folks should also know that the Kerry campaign and the Democratic National Committee both LOVE Kos. They invited him to their cozy "Unity Dinner" and have traded phone calls, etc. If this is the kind of America you want, vote Kerry. If you think this kind of rhetoric is vile and disturbing, you know what to do...