Monday, May 10, 2004

Another Flipper

From the Seattle Times:
When officials from the Seattle Monorail Project pay homage to the monorail movement's grass-roots heritage, they're talking about citizens like Bobby Inshetski.

"I simply love the monorail," he says.

Driving under the city's old one-mile monorail on Fifth Avenue, he would cheer when a train passed above the sunroof. He voted yes on the 2002 initiative to build a new 14-mile monorail from West Seattle to Ballard. Then he volunteered for the project, answering questions at Bumbershoot and neighborhood festivals.

Inshetski bought a second-floor condominium along the route on California Avenue Southwest in West Seattle last June — at a time when the agency was publishing verdant visions of a train soaring above the center of the street through a canopy of trees.

What he didn't know was that the final plan would permit trains to pass as close as 6½ feet from the bay windows at his building. He said overhead tracks would block the only sunlight into the apartments of Inshetski and many of his neighbors in the Serrano, a 34-unit condominium.

Now Inshetski is considering whether to join a campaign to repeal the monorail plan.

Matt's Chat

You know who this guy reminds me of? John Kerry and Ted Kennedy when they opposed the windfarms because they would block their view of the environment.

Mark's Remarks

Gotta love liberals. No personal responsibility taken, whatsoever. Maybe, just maybe he should have educated himself a bit more on the plans. Maybe, just maybe he should not expect government to solve his problems.

Of course this is a flipflop. Liberals cannot help themselves. They cannot take responsibility for their actions. They are like children. When they get caught in their choices, they cry and moan. Simple idiotic, simply hamsterlike.

And, yes, Matt, these thoughts did evoke images of Walter Cronkite, Teddy Kennedy, and John Kerry preaching to us about windfarms, but taking the "not in my backyard" mentality....I thought the environment was everyone's responsibilty, but I guess that does not apply to elitists on Martha's Vineyard, at least if you are a lib....