Monday, May 10, 2004

Another Loonatic Lefty in the House

U.S. Rep. Pete Stark was under fire for a startling voicemail message that he left for a constituent, NBC11 reported.

The message was a response to the man's criticism of the East Bay Congressman's stand on the Iraqi prison abuse scandal.

Staff Sgt. Dan Dow, who is a member of the National Guard, said he wrote a letter to Stark criticizing the legislator's recent vote against a resolution condemning the abuse of Iraqi prisoners.

"Your no vote on this resolution is a disgrace to the people of this district who have elected you," Dow wrote. "I urge you to stop your contemptuous display of bitter partisanship."

Within an hour of faxing the letter to Stark's office, Dow said there was a message on his cell phone from Stark himself.

"Dan, this is congressman Pete Stark," the message said. "I just got your fax, and you don't know what you're talking about.

"I doubt if you could spell half the words in the letter, and somebody wrote it for you," the message went on. "So I don't pay much attention to it. But I'll call you back later and let you tell me more about why you think you're such a great goddamn hero."

Dow, a law student, said he did write the letter himself.

Matt's Chat

Here is another uber-liberal @$$hat that we don't need representing the United States of America.

Notice anything missing from this story? Let me supply it for you... (D-CA 13th) Love that media bias, don't you?

Mark's Remarks

People like this scumbag, (no I have no respect for his office, since obviously he doesn't either)Kos, Rene Gonzalez, and Ralls make me heave. They just love to abuse and use the freedoms men like Dow and Pat Tillman fight and bleed, and yes, die, to protect. Then they castigate, humiliate, and marginalize the sacrifice made by our brave men and women. And this behavior from a Congressman? Absolutely disgraceful. Email your congresspeople and demand that they issue censure for this disgraceful and humiliating treatment of an American voter, citizen, and soldier. Email the Congressman himself and demand a public on the record apology, and his immediate resignation from the House. Take a stand....when we allow this garbage to persist, it tends to grow. Speak out, talk hard, and voice your love for patriots!

5/12 Update

Talk Radio KSFO 560AM has more on the subject and has the audio.