Friday, May 07, 2004

Dem Lies: Republican Smear Machine

From the Weekly Standard:
A STAPLE OF DEMOCRATIC RHETORIC these days is the charge that a "Republican attack machine" is smearing John Kerry. Is it really true that Republicans are impugning Kerry's military service in Vietnam and questioning his patriotism? Seeking an answer, my colleague at Fox News, Morton Kondracke, asked the Democratic National Committee to supply evidence of Republican mudslinging. Send me the worst of the smears by the Republican National Committee or President Bush's reelection campaign, Kondracke said.

What the DNC produced didn't come close to substantiating the charge of smears about Kerry's military record or patriotism. The Democratic committee couldn't cite anyone from the RNC or the Bush campaign--or the White House for that matter--who had criticized Kerry for his service in Vietnam or raised doubts about his patriotism. For the most part, what the DNC called smears were attacks on Kerry's antiwar activity after he left the Navy.

Matt's Chat

Fred (and Mort) nail it. Go read the whole thing.

Related Material

Mrs. Kerry Calls Cheney "Unpatriotic" and they think the Republicans are questioning patriotism. Pathetic, yet typical, liberal projection... Again, still, whatever...

Mark's Remarks

Again, let's be clear. Every time I hear Republicans talking about Kerry, they go out of their way to pay respect to his service in Vietnam. They go out of their way to say they are going after his RECORD, not his patriotism. Contrast that with Mrs. Kerry's statements, with Kerry's own statements recently about Bush's service, and Cheney's; as well as the statements of ideologue synchopants like Chuck the Schmuck Shumer and Chuck "Satchmo" Rangel, along with Shrill Hill "Miserable Failure" Clinton. So, based on these, who is the real smear machine, eh? Of course, the media will not look at this objectively because more and more, they are showing themselves to truly be the propaganda arm of the Dim party. Congrats to Mort and Fred for nailing these lying power hungry morons in their own lies.