Friday, May 07, 2004

Missile Defense Success

From My Way News (Reuters):
A laser beam under joint Israeli-U.S. development destroyed a long-range rocket for the first time in a test in the skies over the American Southwest, Israel's Defense Ministry said on Friday.

Israel has sought an effective defense against ballistic missiles since 1991 when Iraq launched Scuds into the Jewish state during the first Gulf War. It has since developed the Arrow anti-ballistic missile with U.S. funding.

"This is a significant step forward," a ministry spokesman said of the test on May 4 of the "Nautilus" Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL) held at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

Matt's Chat

Another step closer to a safer and stronger America!

Mark's Remarks

If John Waffles Kerry would have had his way, these innovations to protect our country would never have happened. Thank goodness for the foresight of men like Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush for continuing to pursue Reagan's vision of a defense shield to better protect our nation.