The Gloomtm
From Lilek's The Bleat:This smothering gloom, this suppurating corrosion – this isn’t us. This isn’t who we are. If it is, well, we’re lost, because it contains such potent self-hatred that we’ll shrink from defending ourselves, because what we have built isn’t worth defending. Thanks for the push, al Qaeda! We’ll take it from here.
But it’s not us. It’s some, but they don’t set the national temperament. They can set the mood, but not the character. Yet. This war is ours to lose if we want to.
You want to lose it? Me neither.
Matt's Chat
This bit came after Lileks addressed a few issues from Antonia's drivel. Lilek's question is one worthy of an answer: Which America are we? The one that wallows in the gloom of bad news or the America that is proud of herself and is ready, willing, and able to do what is right and neccessary. While leftist hamsters hope for the former and spin that very message, there is a growing number of those who stand for the latter.You can count me among those who believe America is the greatest nation in the history of the world. Are we perfect? No. But we have a will to strive for higher ideals and pursue them with vigor and determination unparalleled in civilization. We are a strong nation with much to take pride in...
Mark's Remarks
America has reached a crossroads. Are we going to wallow in the small instances of uncertainty and discomfort, or are we going to do what we have always done: push forward with the eternal optimism and hope for betterment that has been handed down to us from the Founders, men who placed everything on the line for freedom, men who were hunted like dogs because they pledged to stand together rather than hang separately. And thought they came from different backgrounds and ideological foundations, they realized America was worth fighting for. Freedom is not free, it is earned, and we are helping the Iraqis earn theirs as we earned ours 228 years ago. We cannot fail in this fight, for if we do, then we are saying that the sun which Ben Franklin saw as just beginning to rise on our nation so many years ago, has now set, and the darkness will begin. That is not America. America is still just dawning into the great morning. We must not allow those who would seek to sap our will for political gain, merely to have a higher office, to win the day. They don't care about the fact they are sapping the wills of our fighting forces, of their families, and of the nation. They only want to win some office. However, I must ask the question: is a weak and pathetic America the one they want to have? What kind of America will we have if the appeasers win? If we think that all battles should be easy, what will happen when America must compete in other endeavors like trade and the like? Will we take our ball and go home because we weren't handed a win? Or will we do like our grandparents and forebears did and say, to hell with this, we have to stand and deliver! We have to fight for the right, without question or pause....we have to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. (thanks Mrs. Ekstedt, mi jefa) If we decide that America's best days are behind her and routing these murderers is not worth it, then quite simply we need to buy berkas for our women, start reading the koran, grow beards, and get ready for the changeover. Well, folks, NOT ON MY WATCH! I am sick and tired of the befuddlement of the left, of the ineptitude of patriotism and lack of respect for hard work I see. No more! We have to get back to those values, because it was those, not the idea of appeasement and entitlement I see shovelled to our youth today, that built America and maintains her. We must stand up and be counted, and say, no more running, no more hiding..We are America, we are the greatest bastion of freedom, the only true land of opportunity, and no one is going to take it away....