Friday, May 07, 2004


From The TIB Network
Let it never be said that we don't have perseverance.
Despite a few technical glitches with someof our hardware, the TIB network will be
"LIVE AND DIRECT" tonight on television. We have another foray into excellence planned for you, our audience. If you are in the area, check us out tonight on DATV, and check out our re-runs on MVCC.
Now, more and more, we need to band together to climb this pile of crap the Left places before the American people to scale to the height of truth. Assist us by stopping by frequently and tuning in.

- Mark

p.s. If anyone out there attended the Bush Rally in Cincy and has good pictures, please email us at the address listed here and in the ask us a question section. We would love to post them, and/or have copies.