Friday, May 07, 2004

Vatican Takes a Shot

From Yahoo News:
The abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers is a scandal offensive to God himself, the Vatican said, in its first public comment.

"Violence against people offends God himself, who made humans in his own image," the Vatican's foreign minister, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, said in a pre-recorded television interview due to be broadcast later on Friday.

He condemned the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, made public last week, as "episodes of brutality, contrary to the most elementary human rights and radically contrary to Christian morals".

Matt's Chat

Hey archbishop, when the Catholic Church cleans its own house come talk to me about abuse. Violence against your congregation offends God too. I don't hear you folks condemning that. I see the Catholic Church protecting those who did the abuse.

Shut your pie hole, your eminence.

Mark's Remarks

With all due respect to the Pope, and the Vatican, what in the heck would you call the dragging of the four Americans and the desecration of their bodies? What would you call the wholesale slaughter of 3,000 people at the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and Pa? What would you call the continuing unfolding scandal of your OWN house, of allowing rampant raping and sodomy of young people by those given a holy trust? As Christ himself said, your eminence, let ye without sin cast the first stone. Sadly, based on your own recent track record in the last 45 years of coddling pedophiles, the Vatican does not qualify. Again, I believe it was Christ (remember Him?) who said something about those who would castigate for a mote in the eye of others while ignoring the massive PLANK in their own......