Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Kerry Defends the Missus

From My Way News (al-Reuters):
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry warned his political opponents on Monday against attacking his outspoken wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, saying, "They're going to have to go through me."
The Massachusetts senator also sought to dispel the notion he was aloof, asking one television interviewer: "Have you had a beer with me yet? I like to have fun as much as the next person, and go out and hack around and have a good time."

Worth an estimated $500 million, born in Mozambique and fluent in five languages, Mrs. Kerry can be controversial and blunt, disclosing her Botox injections, her prenuptial agreement with Kerry and the fact he was in the bathroom when he got word of his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire.

"If they want to attack her, they're going to have to go through me. I'll be the first to defend anything she does. ... She doesn't pull her punches," Kerry said in one television interview when asked if Republicans were targeting his wife.

"I think that they're foolhardy to do it, personally, because I think that she's so down to earth and so straightforward," Kerry said. "I think people who meet her love her."

Matt's Chat

Let me buy you a clue John...why would she be attacked? Oh yeah, she's attacking. Don't play the Victim Cardtm here John, it will not go well for you. The woman called the Vice President of the United States "unpatriotic" and I can guarentee you that even if it were Kofi Annan himself, there would have been a response. That is outrageous and uncalled for. That makes her a political taget. If she didn't want to be, she should have closed the old pie hole. End of story.

While we're on the subject, John, don't call for the thunder yourself ala "Bring it on" and then whine and moan that we're bringing it on. This game is getting a little tired and you are exposing youself as the paper tiger that we all knew you were. You make it too easy.

Mark's Remarks

This whole victim playing is getting a bit old, Mr. Kerry. The American people are not buying it, and you make yourself appear to be weak. Of course, you are weak. You finagled your way into your first Purple Heart, you lied and equivocated about atrocities, you lied about throwing medals, you have equivocated on every major policy decision of your career. You have no core.

Back to the issue at hand....if your wife does not want to be attacked, she should not issue buttons with Bush's and Cheney's pics and call them the "Asses of Evil." She should not call the VP unpatriotic. She should not join in the choruses of calling Bush unpatriotic. Sir, you claim you know a bit about hockey. Let me give you a clue. When you jump over those boards and enter the game, only a fool does not prepare himself to take a hit or be hit. You sir, as has been your pattern, are playing the fool. Your wife, if it is really a concern, should take some shut up juice and just wave to the crowd. Then she won't be attacked, as you call it. In truth, it is refutation of all your own false allegations and vile bile toward GWB and Co. Mr. Kerry, please grow up.