Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Kerry's Former Commanders Speak Out Against Him

From the Boston Globe:
A group of former officers who commanded John F. Kerry in Vietnam more than three decades ago declared yesterday that they oppose his candidacy for president, challenged him to release more of his military and medical records, and said Kerry should be denied the White House because of his 1971 allegations that some superiors had committed ''war crimes."

Kerry has since said his accusation about war crimes and atrocities was too harsh, but many of his former commanders contended yesterday that they believed the allegations were aimed at them.

''I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be commander in chief," said retired Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, who helped organize the news conference and oversaw all of the swift boats in Vietnam at the time Kerry commanded one of those crafts. ''This is not a political issue; it is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty, and trust -- all absolute tenets of command."

Matt's Chat

It really is a matter of Kerry's judgement, truthfulness, reliability, loaylty and trust. It is evident in his Senate record that Kerry will say whatever he needs to in order to get votes. As the President has said, Kerry has been in the Senate long enough to be on both sides of every issue. The President needs to be clear; says what he means and means what he says.

Sen. Kerry doesn't have a record he can run on...that's why that is his favorite phrase lately (that and "I served in Vietnam"). He's trying desperately to shift the focus off his record and off what he did after coming home from Vietnam. It isn't working, thankfully.

As Mark Noonan says: it is another great day to be alive, American and Republican!

Mark's Remarks

Some of these commanders called Kerry reckless and irresponsible. Hmm....same could be said today of the responsibilty he takes (or doesn't take) for :
_his 1971 Testimony, based on Winter Soldier, most of which proved to be false
_his voting record in the Senate, where he has chosen to vote against intelligence funding and military security measures
_his comments assailing the military service of President Bush, VP Cheney
_the comments by his surrogates alleging war crimes by this President
_his own admission of war crimes, which he has backed off of

This John Waffles Kerry is one of the most irresponsible people with words and empty promises that I have ever seen. He doesn't think before he speaks, whether knowingly before a live mike or unknowingly. Then, he blames the press for reporting his comments, and he has to dream up of some new lie nuance which further erodes what small credibility (if he ever had any) that he may have had.

This further shows that his whole "I'm a War Hero" stuff has never been fully vetted. We have some records. We do not have all. I really don't care, but if you are going to make that the basis for your candidacy, other than 'I'm Not Bush' then you had better back it up. It appears more and more are standing up and saying Kerry is not what he says he is.

Waffles Kerry, however is: a traitor to his fellow veterans, a doubletalker who says what he does in front of one audience then changes it, a man who provides aid and comfort to the enemy in times of war, and a man who cares more about what France thinks than what the American people think. He has shown no integrity or steadfastness in a position that is necessary for a leader. He is no leader.