Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Riot in Cincy

Rob Bernard reminds us of a story we meant to cover yesterday from the Cincinnati Post
Someone fired shots at police and a television news van was set on fire in Winton Terrace Monday night after a crowd of nearly 300 gathered on false rumors that an African-American motorist stopped by police had been shot and killed.

Police said the man actually shot himself in the head as officers Bryce Bezdek and Michelle Bradley approached his silver and blue Suburban after they stopped him for suspicion of drunken driving at 2 Craft Street in the Findlater Gardens housing project at 8:51 p.m.

As the crowd swelled following false reports that the man had died at the hands of police, more officers were called in and some of those in the crowd became unruly.

Matt's Chat

As Rob predicts, I think the next step is preemptive rioting.

Actually, I hold Damon Lynch and his ilk responsible for ramping up anti-police feelings in the black community. There is no excuse for this sort of behavior. NONE.

Setting fires and destroying property is not the answer to whatever ails you. In fact, it makes matters worse. Especially when you're wrong.

Mark's Remarks

As usual, the hatemongers of the community (Lynch, Livingston, Kabaka Abba) stay silent while their "flock" destroys property. Where is the outrage? Don't you morons realize you are not doing anything but looking like idiots? Why destroy your own neighborhoods, or for that matter any neighborhoods? What does that get done? Other than cause massive money that could have been used for better purposes to be used for cleanup. The police aren't the bigots. The hatemongers and those who blindly follow them are the racists and bigots. Nuff said.