Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Unhinged Democratic Underground

From Rob

These people make the Art Bell folks look good.

Matt's Chat

I couldn't agree more. Go read Rob's pull quotes and check the links he provides for verification. The Democrats continue to come unhinged...the proof is there for all to see. The fringe has become mainstream in the Party of Lovetm

Mark's Remarks

The idiots Bernard quotes are making a mockery of the party of Jefferson, Madison, Roosevelt, and (the only two good ones)RF Kennedy and JF Kennedy. It is a disgrace that a party that has become so ANTI American should even hint that they love this nation, when everything they seem to do tears at the foundations. And, given the vitriol coming from their "unofficial but financially supported" propaganda Air America, they are disgraceful in advocating the assassination of foreign leaders. These people are idiots, they don't get it, and they never will. We must crush their idiotic votes with a massive showing of people who do get it.