Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Anti-Americanism Watch

From Canada Free Press:
It’s not just overreaction or Yankee imagination. Anti-Americanism is not only alive and well, it’s spoon fed in Canada.

And it stems from a taxpayer paid source: the classroom.

The Three `Rs, Canada style, have been teaching school children as young as grade school an image of Americans as dishonourable, churlish and even bullying. This less than admirable image emerges in a study, presented this week to the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, hosted by the University of Manitoba.

Matt's Chat

Yet another reason to hate Canada...first hockey, now this. (Come on, Mark, that was funny!)

Quite frankly, I don't care whether or not Canadians hate America. Canada is about as relevant as Old Europe.

Mark's Remarks

Matt, as a person who knows several Canadians through hockey, let me say that like liberal indoctrination, this crap does not get through, either. Many Canadians I talk to love America, and some have dual citizenship. And no, that hockey crack was not funny.

Canada is relevant in that they are our closest neighbor, and that we should get along with them. But when they continue to model themselves on old Europe, with elitism and snobbery, then there is some trouble to making that come true.