Monday, June 28, 2004

BREAKING: Matt Maupin May Have Been Executed

From WCPO (Channel 9):
9News received a phone call from ABC News saying Maupin had been executed. At this hour, the military-family spokesperson said he has no official confirmation on Maupin's status.

ABC News employees told 9News there is a videotape of Maupin being shot in the back of the head, but 9News has not seen that videotape.

Maupin was taken hostage in Iraq 80 days ago.

Matt's Chat

Such a tragedy on an otherwise great day for Iraq. If true, this is a death that must be avenged.

Another source claims that Al-Jazeera has videotape of the murder. I think it is time to rescind their media credentials...that organization is nothing more than a propaganda wing for terrorists.

Mark's Remarks

As I write this, it is the day after this story broke, and we still simply do not know. Some media outlets in the Cincy area acted terribly irresponsibly and created a swirl around a family already in a great deal of pain. It just goes to show the rush to promote the bad news and hatred of the Iraq situation at the expense of a family's pain and the truth. The facts are that we see a grainy image of a soldier being shot. It has NOT be confirmed it is Matt. The family HAS NOT viewed the video.

Gotta love the media--we lie, we cheat, we exploit a family's pain for fun.

John Kerry Delinda Est!