Monday, June 28, 2004

Bush Gets the Bill

This is CNN:
About 50,000 poor children would receive free school meals under a child nutrition bill passed by the House and sent to President Bush for enactment.

The child nutrition bill, passed Thursday, extends for five years the school lunch program, the Women, Infants and Children program and a bundle of other programs that jointly cost about $16 billion a year.

The Senate passed the legislation Wednesday. Bush is expected to sign the bill into law, according to legislative aides.

Matt's Chat

50,000 more kids under the boot of HALLIBURTON! and Digital Brown.

Wait a minute...this isn't on the evil conservative agenda...what's going on here. I demand an investigation! I want answers, man, and I want them now!

For the record, President Bush cares very deeply for America's children and accomplished a lot and is planning even more.

John Kerry Delinda Est!