Friday, June 25, 2004

Dick "Effing" Cheney

From My Way News:
According to congressional aides, Leahy said hello to Cheney following the taking of the Senate group photo on the floor of the chamber.

Cheney, who is president of the Senate, then ripped into Leahy for the Democratic senator's criticism this week of alleged war profiteering in Iraq by Halliburton, the oil services company that Cheney once ran.

Leahy and other Democrats have called for congressional hearings into whether the vice president helped the firm win lucrative contracts in Iraq after the U.S.-led war that toppled Saddam Hussein.

During their exchange, Leahy noted that Republicans had accused Democrats of being anti-Catholic because they are opposed to some of President Bush's anti-abortion judges, the aides said.

That's when Cheney unloaded with the "F-bomb," aides said.

Matt's Chat

Now there is some discrepency in what was actually (allegedly) said by the vice president, so I'm not real sure I trust this report. I mean, its not like he was doing an interview with Rolling Stone or anything.

If true, I really must condemn that sort of thing. We're the good guys, Dick, we don't do stuff like that on the Senate floor whether the Senate is in session or not. It comes down to a matter of respect. Oh, and by the way, ITS AN ELECTION YEAR... What a tragically stupid thing to do.

10:00AM Update

Michelle Malkin has some thoughts well worth reading... Tim Perry on Politics has coverage as well...

Mark's Remarks