Friday, June 25, 2004

Army Told Not to Use Israeli Bullets in Iraq

From My Way News:
Israeli-made bullets bought by the U.S. Army to plug a shortfall should be used for training only, not to fight Muslim guerrillas in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. lawmakers told Army generals on Thursday.

Since the Army has other stockpiled ammunition, "by no means, under any circumstances should a round (from Israel) be utilized," said Rep. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, the top Democrat on a House of Representatives Armed Services subcommittee with jurisdiction over land forces.

Matt's Chat

What the %^(($$%##$@^&(^)*(_&_(*^&*%#$#%^$% is that all about. If the Army needs a bullet, I don't think they are going to stop and ask where the %^&( it was made! What complete, utter nonsense.

Mark's Remarks