Monday, June 21, 2004

Environment Update

From the Telegraph:
Encouraging travellers to switch from cars and airlines to inter-city trains brings no benefits for the environment, new research has concluded.

Challenging assumptions about railways' green superiority, the study finds that the weight and fuel requirements of trains have increased to the point where rail could become the least energy-efficient form of transport.
"I know this will generate howls of protest, but at present a family of four going by car is about as environmentally friendly as you can get."
Emphasis added.

Matt's Chat

Well, color me surprised... Another Green myth done in by Science...

Mark's Remarks

HALLIBURTON! LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE! I DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION....HASN'T THIS GUY SEEN THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW? DOESN'T HE KNOW THAT DISASTER IS A CAR START AWAY?!?! I love it when green myths are done in by science....of course, that won't stop them from trotting out some other yayhoo.