Monday, June 21, 2004

Bill Hobbs: Memo to al Qaeda

From BillHobbsOnline:
I've been thinking about all the recent news reports about how al Qaeda is desperate to strike America again - harder than they did on 9/11 - and the news of a plot to blow up an Ohio shopping mall, and although I doubt any al Qaeda terrorists read my blog, I thought I'd offer the terrorist organization a bit of public-relations advice.


The September 11 attack angered Americans in ways they hadn't been angered in 60 years, and you've seen the results. Taliban toppled. Al Qaeda terrorists and Taliban fighters rounded up. Saddam's regime smashed, Iraq occupied.

A question for you, Al Qaeda: Do you think we hit you hard? Do you think we hit Iraq hard? We didn't. We've been pulling our punches since 9/11, jabbing at you and jabbing at the Middle East, the dysfunctional, godless society that produced you. We didn't have to invade and liberate Afghanistan and try to help it become a democracy. We didn't have to invade and liberate Iraq and try to help it become a democracy. We could have pushed a few buttons and made Kabul and Baghdad disappear. We didn't because we're the opposite of your dysfunctional, godless, immoral, backwards, oppressive, failure of a society. We pulled our punches. We sent in the reconstruction crews right behind the armor and the infantry.

We didn't have to. We had - and still have - another option. One that would absolutely guarantee the end of the Islamofacist terror threat.

Matt's Chat

Very interesting discussion going on regarding Bill's letter. I don't think the "Instant Win" Button is a viable option for us, but will agree with Bill in that if we get whacked again, the liklihood that employing such methods would be approved by the American people increases.

And I don't think Bill was advocating using nukes now...