Friday, June 25, 2004

Florida to Tax HOME Networks

From Wired Magazine:
Florida state officials are considering taxing home networks that have more than one computer, under a modified 1985 state law that was intended to tax the few businesses that used internal communication networks instead of the local telephone company.

Officials from Florida's Department of Revenue held a meeting on Tuesday to see whether the law would apply to wired households, and exactly who would be taxed. About 200 people attended, including community and business representatives.

Matt's Chat

This is a bad, bad, bad, BAD idea. I can see this one making its way around the Governor's Association to Ohio's own RINO, Bob "Tax" Taft, who has not met a tax he didn't like near as I can tell. Usually a tax is levied because some sort of "service" is provided. No service is provided by the government in home networking. This is nothing more than a money grab. Jeb Bush should squash this as soon as humanly possible.