Tuesday, June 22, 2004

IAEA: Nuke Threat "Real and Imminent"

From ThisisLondon:
The threat of a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons is "real and imminent", the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog said today.

Mohammed al Baradei, chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said it was a "race against time" to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear materials.
"We are actually having a race against time which I don't think we can afford," he told the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace conference in Washington. "The danger is so imminent... so the sooner that we start, the better for everybody involved."

Matt's Chat

Liberals will pin this on the president.

So, Peter (and any other liberal who trolls by)...what do you make of this? Let me guess...Iraq didn't have a nuclear program. Uh-huh...

My take is this: this is not news. I have suspected this for a long time. Wonder who the terrorists will strike first? Us or Israel is my guess. Israel would have no problem pressing the "Instant Win" Button; I'm not so sure we would...that probably makes us the bigger target.

Alternatively, it is about time the terrorists (who in order to actually terrorize anybody have to make everybody think they could be next) might choose a target like...I dunno...say, Belgium. I mean, really, if they blow up Belgium wouldn't that really mean that anybody could be a target of terrorism? Just asking.

Mark's Remarks

The nuke threat has been gathering for a long time. You know, if perhaps other Chief Executives would have been more vigilant with our secrets, there would be less nuclear material out there. You know, Bill, maybe giving nuke tech to places like China and North Korea, both known peddlers to terror regimes (like Iran, etc.) was not such a good idea. Wait, I forgot--it wasn't about doing what was best for the country, but what was best for your coffers. Silly me.

This is a dangerous threat. It is a shame that some would stick their heads in the sand and choose to wait to be attacked before taking an active role in protecting themselves. And Jack Iraq is fooling himself if he thinks making deals with these Islamofascists is going to protect him....they will blow up your buildings, too, Jack, because they hate everyone who is not like them. Of course, liberals are typically too self-centered and elitist as well as naive to believe people would think about duping them.