Thursday, June 24, 2004

Immigration Update

From My Way News:
Thousands of foreigners who work in the United States will have to go to U.S. embassies abroad to be interviewed and fingerprinted when they need to renew their visas under a U.S. policy announced on Wednesday.

Previously the people, who include entertainers, athletes, journalists, investors, executives and skilled and unskilled temporary workers, were allowed to renew their visas by mail.

The State Department said it would stop accepting applications for mail renewals of the visas on July 16.

The State Department said the new policy, part of the U.S. effort to tighten border controls after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, was to ensure that people applying for visas to the United States are interviewed and fingerprinted.

Matt's Chat

Finally, the State Department gets on board and realizes that we need to secure our borders. Can DHS be far behind???

Mark's Remarks