Thursday, June 24, 2004

Saudi Surrender in War on Terror

From Yahoo! News:
Saudi Arabia offered Islamic militants a limited amnesty Wednesday, saying their lives would be spared if they surrendered but they would face the "full might" of state wrath if they did not.

The ultimatum, issued in the name of King Fahd, called on militants to turn themselves in within a month — suggesting the kingdom was paving the way for a stepped up campaign against al-Qaida-linked fighters who have shaken the country with a series of deadly attacks.

At the same time, the Saudi foreign minister denounced calls by militant clergy for Saudis to travel to Iraq to join insurgents battling the U.S. military and its Iraqi allies.

Matt's Chat

These guys are not our friends. They are doing just enough to keep themselves out of our crosshairs. No less and definately no more... Saudi Arabia is another France in my book.

Mark's Remarks