Monday, June 21, 2004

Iraq Update

From DefenseLink:
The new Iraqi president said he feels there must have been elements of weapons of mass destruction inside Iraq.

"Saddam (Hussein) used chemical weapons, he used (them) against Iraqis inside Iraq," said Ghazi al-Yawer.

Yawer agreed to speak briefly June 19 with American reporters in Baghdad accompanying Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. When asked to comment on the American political debate surrounding WMDs not being found in Iraq, Yawer said that wasn't the real issue.

"After all, the real issue is, 'Was (Saddam) a destabilizing factor in the area?' Definitely he was," Yawer said. "He was a weapon of mass destruction by himself."
Also from DefenseLink:
Iraq's deputy prime minister implored the American press to provide more balanced coverage of operations in Iraq.

Barham Salih, a prominent leader from Kurdish northern Iraq, made his plea June 19 to American reporters traveling in Iraq with Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.

"I hope you from the American press will be able to tell people back home … that (through) this mission you are giving an entire nation an opportunity to be rid of their challenges," he said.

"These soldiers are helping renovate schools and so on, and very, very little of that is reported," Salih continued. "We have to be grateful to those young men and women who have come from afar, sacrificing their lives to defend our security and our freedom."

Matt's Chat

As I have said on our show from time to time: I could not agree more...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, it seems the Iraqis are getting it, how come the American media and the Left don't? Wait, I forgot, it is not about giving our wonderful soldiers credit or even protecting their is all about power and avarice for the Left, they don't care what good our soldiers are doing, they don't care what good is being done for freedom, they just want interns bad.