Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Iraq Updates

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer tries real hard to knock the good news out of the story of US accomplishments in Iraq:
- Electricity is now spread evenly across the country. Baghdad, which used to be favored under Saddam Hussein's regime, now gets 8-12 hours of electricity a day compared to 20 hours before the war.

- The overall number of telephones in Iraq, including cell phones, is up nearly 46 percent since before the war. Cellular phone usage has soared with more than 429,300 subscribers nationwide. More than 201,000 subscribers have had their land telephone lines reinstated, but there are still only 784,200 land lines, compared to 833,000 before the war.

- More than 2,200 schools and 240 hospitals have been "rehabilitated," the coalition said - though the amount of work performed has varied.

Matt's Chat

There are plenty more accomplishments listed in the story. In the end, the real story of Iraq is that they are free of Saddam's tyranny; the rest will come in time.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, all these accomplishments, making Iraq better than it was under Saddam, and where is the media hailing our effortts? Where are the documentaries highlighting the generosity and faith of American soldiers? Oh wait, I forgot, in our country the media's job is to give aid and comfort to the enemy, not tell the truth.

The Toronto Star has bios of all the key players in Iraq's new government.

John Kerry Delinda Est!