Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Israel Update

From WorldNetDaily:
With the Palestinians unable to carry out a single suicide bombing in Israel since March, and Hamas halted from unleashing the large-scale revenge attacks called for after its top terrorist leaders were assassinated, Middle East analysts and politicians are beginning to debate whether the intifada – the terrorist war against Israel started by PLO leader Yasser Arafat after rejecting offers at the Camp David peace summit in 2000 – is coming to an end.

At this time last year, there were 20 suicide bombings killing 141, while 2002 saw 25 such attacks in which 147 Israelis were killed. So far this year, there have been only two bombings in Israel proper, killing 19.

Matt's Chat

Terrorism only works if you appease the terrorists and call it a victory by saying you are "containing" them. John Kerry and his band of followers could stand to learn this lesson as well.

Mark's Remarks

Nope, the Kerrys of the world will only stick their head in the sand and wait for any, ANY terror attack and say, 'see, we told you you were only creating more terrorists...let's make nice.' People like Kerry are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past because they never learn, they think they are always right and are the true correct visions of peace and policy. Sadly, they are mistaken.

WorldNetDaily also reports that Israel is a Major Arms Supplier to China:
A congressional commission on China stated in a report recently made public that Israel has become China’s largest arms and weapons technology supplier after Russia.

The report stated that the panel "continues to be concerned over Israeli transfers of U.S.-origin technology to China."

In the 1990s, Israel was caught selling China Patriot anti-missile technology that U.S. officials say has ended up in Chinese air defense weapons.

Israel in January 2003 suspended sales of arms to China that could harm U.S. security and a U.S.-Israeli discussion channel was set up to deal with the transfers.

Matt's Chat

France has done the same thing. We are going to have to start realizing the long-term implications of trading our technology to other nations. This is a serious concern that policymakers are going to struggle with for awhile. We want to support our allies and get some business for our defense industry, but we have got to start examining who we're dealing with...and more importantly, who they are dealing with...

John Kerry Delinda Est!