Leaving the Liberal Plantation
From Herald Tribune:
Don Quixote tilting at windmills is one thing. But trying to convince Americans that the Republican Party is the historic and present day party for blacks and that the Democratic Party is full of racists who opposed civil rights legislation, well that is Frances Rice territory.
The difference is that Rice, one of the co-founders of the SaraMana Black Republican Club, is far from alone, has a few facts in her armory and, in her analysis, there already is a shift in attitudes.
[H]as the shift among high-profile, successful blacks translated to the broader black community? Not yet. Polls still show overwhelming black support for the Democratic Party, although one poll showed 37 percent of blacks now have a favorable view of the Republican Party. "Favorable" has thus far not translated into votes.
Rice is aiming to change that. She is a lifelong Republican, as were her parents before her. She grew up in Atlanta under Jim Crowe laws and racism that, she is quick to point out, were instituted by Democratic politicians.
"My family was threatened by the Ku Klux Klan, and they were all Democrats," she said. "Only with the Republican Party was I able to register to vote."
Matt's Chat
A Great American! Many blacks are starting to see the liberal plantation for what it is...Mark's Remarks
Frances Rice's analysis is not delusional, it is factual and historically correct. The vast majority of KKK members throughout history has been Democrats, look no further than the Senator from Virginia, Robert KKK Byrd, a man who fillibustered Civil Rights Legislation and who has consistently gotten away with racist remarks through the years. Look at the leadership of the party--all white, so much so that liberal blacks had to form their own black caucus. Look at past administrations (Clinton esp., the first supposed 'black' President): no blacks in position of power or authority, except the token village idiot Jocyln Elders as Surgeon General, and we saw her more as a caricature than a serious policymaker.
Contrast that with the Republicans: The party of Lincoln, formed to fight slavery and advance abolitionism. The party of Jackie Robinson, the party that passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s, who were KEY to doing so. The party that has elevated African American folks to National Security Advisers, Secretary of State, and other key cabinet positions. So, if people paid attention to history, and not liberal screeds obstructing and distorting it, they would plainly see what Frances already has.
God bless you, Frances, keep up the good work.