Monday, June 28, 2004

More Beheading Threats

From My Way News:
Arab television broadcast videotape of two men taken hostage by militants, one described as a U.S. Marine lured from his base and the other a Pakistani driver for an American contractor. Insurgents threatened to behead them both.

Also, militants hit a coalition transport plane Sunday with small arms fire after takeoff from Baghdad's airport, killing an American passenger and forcing the aircraft to return. Turkey rejected demands by militants threatening to behead three Turkish hostages unless Turkish companies cease business with U.S. forces in Iraq.
The U.S. military said that a Marine named Wassef Ali Hassoun had been missing from his unit for nearly a week. It said it was unclear if he had been taken hostage, but Hassoun's name was on a Marine "active duty" identification card shown by militants in the videotape aired by the Al-Jazeera network.

Matt's Chat

This $#|+ is getting OLD. This shows a level of desperation on the part of these thugs that is really pathetic. We're about due for some decisive action from the coalition to put these terrorists out of their misery.

Mark's Remarks

We must stand strong against terror. We cannot let them hold us for ransom. However, my thoughts are with the hostages' families.

John Kerry Delinda Est!