Monday, June 28, 2004

Tuition Burden Falls

From USA Today:
What students pay on average for tuition at public universities has fallen by nearly one-third since 1998, thanks to new federal tax breaks and a massive increase in state and federal grants to most students and their families.

Contrary to the widespread perception that tuition is soaring out of control, a USA TODAY analysis found that what students actually pay in tuition and fees -- rather than the published tuition price -- has declined for a vast majority of students attending four-year public universities. In fact, today's students have enjoyed the greatest improvement in college affordability since the GI bill provided benefits for returning World War II veterans.

What made the difference: a $22 billion annual increase in grants and tax breaks since 1998.

That 80% jump in financial aid -- targeting middle-class families earning $40,000 to $100,000 a year -- has more than offset dramatic increases in tuition prices.

Matt's Chat

Will John Kerry be revising his misery index now? Just asking...

Mark's Remarks

I doubt it....He will just develop another nuanced position, or take another side of the issue...he is good at that. Time for another set of flip flops.

John Kerry Delinda Est!