From US newswire:
The U.S. House of Representatives has joined the 2.7 million-member American Legion in calling for President George W. Bush to "posthumously award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Harry W. Colmery."
Colmery, a World War I veteran and American Legion past national commander, is widely recognized as the author of the original GI Bill. The Kansas lawyer's penciled outline of the GI Bill is contained in a glass display case at American Legion National Headquarters at Indianapolis. Since June 17, 2002, a plaque dedicated to Colmery's work has marked the suite, Room 570 of the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, where the World War I veteran on Dec. 15, 1943, penned his remarkable vision. Rep. Jim Ryun of Kansas took the lead on a "sense of Congress" resolution that the House approved on Tuesday.
"Millions of GIs bought homes, started businesses and attended college on the original GI Bill, thusly creating a middle class and raising expectations for future generations of Americans," American Legion National Commander John Brieden said. "In addition to boosting today's Montgomery GI Bill to the educational buying power of its prototype, awarding the Medal of Freedom to its author, Mr. Colmery, is a long-overdue gesture. My thanks to all members of the House who voted in favor of recognizing the efforts of Mr. Colmery."
Matt's Chat
I concur. This should happen.And this gives me another opportunity to thank all of America's veterans for their service to our great nation.