Friday, July 16, 2004

NARAL: Bush Out of Mainstream

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

NARAL's interim president, Elizabeth Cavendish:
Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans are pro- choice. A recent poll showed that over 60 percent of Catholic voters favor legal abortion [*], and another survey found that 80 percent of all voters agree with the statement that abortion decisions should be made by women and their doctors, not the government. [**]

Nothing highlights how far out of the mainstream Bush's views are than his own television ad, "Family Priorities."
Not so fast, Pro-Death lobby...

From The Gallup Organization:
A recent ABC News poll finds Americans generally favorable toward abortion by a 54% to 43% margin, while a Gallup Poll finds Americans more negative than positive by 61% to 37%. The differences in results appear to be related to question wording, suggesting that some people are so conflicted on the issue of abortion that even slight wording differences can move them from a positive to a negative view, or vice versa.
* Poll conducted by Belden Russonello and Stewart for Catholics for a Free Choice, July 2004.

** Poll conducted by Greenberg Research for NARAL Pro- Choice America, June 2003.

Matt's Chat

Well, well, well...lookee there...a manipulated poll will get you whatever answer you're looking for every time.

Mark's Remarks

You see, for liberals, it all depends on what the definition of the word 'is' is.... They just don't want to be open and honest; they have to play word games. They have to nuance questions. They simply cannot be open and direct; they have to use misdirection. Distort and bend--the liberal way.

John Kerry Delenda Est!