Friday, July 09, 2004

Te-RAY-za Loved Ken Lay, Loved that Enron Stock!

From the Boston Herald:
President Bush may know indicted ex-Enron boss Ken Lay as "Kenny Boy," but Sen. John F. Kerry and his millionaire wife also have past financial and personal ties to Lay's shamed energy firm, documents show.

Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry reported more than $250,000 in Enron stock ownership before the firm's 2003 collapse. Kerry also was forced to return a campaign contribution from an implicated Enron executive.

And Heinz Kerry served on a charity board with Lay, even after he was implicated in the alleged fraud, records show.

Kerry has railed against the Bush administration's handling of the Enron scandal on the campaign trail.
A Heinz family trust bought between $250,000 and $500,000 of stock in December 1995, just days before Heinz Kerry announced Lay would serve as a member of the Heinz Center philanthropy, Kerry's Senate financial disclosure documents show.

The stock brought between $5,000 and $15,000 in dividends in 1996 before it was sold in 1997, the disclosure forms show.

Lay stayed on the board after Enron's collapse and a Heinz Foundation spokeswoman defended Lay in news reports amid the fraud accusations as having ``a good reputation in the environmental community.''

Mark's Remarks

This is an outrage! Corporate Raider Lovers! Benedict Arnolds! I demand an investigation! What did Te-RAY-za know and when did she know it? How much did John Kerry get? Where was the ketchup?

You know, it is funny, but I never hear this stuff about Kerry and Enron, but whenever Ken Lay comes up on Dan Blather's fiction show or on Brokaw, all I hear is 'the former enron chairman with ties to Bush.' seems he was quite close to Kerry and Te-RAY-za as well....but we don't hear that? We don't hear about how the head of the DNC was big in shady dealing at Global Crossing but was one of the few to escape prosecution...hmmm....Could it be more whitewashing from the Fascist pro-Democrat Press?

John Kerry Delinda Est!