Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sen. Harkin: Just Another Dem Liar Pimping for Kerry

Get the details from Professor Reynolds. Here is my favorite bit:
Calling Harkin "a Senator who, like President Bush, flew fighter jets during the Vietnam era without seeing combat but who, unlike President Bush, lied about it," would be more accurate, but it would kind of change the story. Wonder why nobody looked into this? Or, if they knew, bothered to note it?
Heh. Indeed, professor.

One of his readers has an excellent bit as well:
"I was infuriated about Harkin's comments because I too did some coffee break Googling and found the same notes regarding the Senator's exaggerations of his service after I recalled the earlier incident. I'm a goddamn salesman and even I (underlined with emphasis) could fact check Harkin's ass. Why can't these blow-dried prima donnas news types do it?"

Matt's Chat

I love it...I really, really do...God help me...

And all this reminds me of just how amateurish this balloon-animal making bunch of clowns running the Kerry/Edwards campaign really are...after all, they are sending out a liar to defend Kerry's lies. Absolutely amazing...

Mark's Remarks

Let's review the lovely reputable people who support Mr. Kerry, shall we? To Wit:

  • Former PM of Malaysia who is an anti-Semite;

  • Kim Jong Il, murderous dictator of North Korea who praises John Kerry on his state run TV and radio stations, you know, kind of the vision Kerry and his handlers have for America with their censorship attempts of the Swifties;

  • Ted Kennedy, drunken alcoholic who was responsible for the death of a woman and covered it up rather than attempt to save her life or tell the truth;

  • Richard Clarke, self appointed all knowing seer whose claims about the Bush admin have been proven wrong by his own conflicting statements;

  • Joe Wilson, habitual liar and international partier who made up tales about what he did and did not do, whose own report conflicts with his claims against Bush, whose statements have been libelous as well as perjurous;

  • Howeird Dean, remember him, the guy who screamed his way to oblivion and now is nothing more than an absurd footnote in politics?

  • Tom Harkin, a guy who knows about sexing up his own military record, and a guy who friggin didn't even like Kerry enough to support him in the primaries;

  • And don't forget about Terry McAuliffe, the guy who made his money through questionable moves with Global Crossing (insider trading) before it collapsed, shouldnt he be frogmarching with Ken Lay?

  • And of course, George Soros, a man with visions of socialism and his own cult of personality, who made his living destabilizing European economies.....

And more in regards to Harkin-sir, let's talk about you and Mr. Kerry's cozying up to South American communists and asking for favors in exchange for blocking measures designed to thwart Communist expansion in Latin America, the letters you sent to Daniel Ortega where you both addressed this murderous savage as "Dear Commandante", remember those, Mr. Senator, where you peddled influence for favors from a ruthless dictator, and how you and Mr. Kerry sought to deep six our efforts to beat the Soviets...thank heavens you two morons were stopped, but I digress.(Link to Related Story, and here is another about Kerry and Harkin Raising Money for the Sandanistas from Accuracy in Media, and NATIONAL REVIEW article addressing the issue)

Add this to a candidate who voted for it before he voted against it, has more positions than the Kama Sutra, betrayed his fellow veterans and repudiated his service, calling himself a war criminal; but yet now runs as a war hero, or at least that is what his surrogates say; a man who was for NAFTA but is now against it, a man who while saying he wants to abolish the Patriot Act claims his idea was a key portion of it; a man who beds rich women for their money like a gigolo; and what does it add up to?


John Kerry Delenda Est!