Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The clowns are at it again

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

Think about this for a minute...

"President Bush's decision to redeploy approximately 70,000 U.S. troops from Europe and Asia will significantly undermine U.S. national security. As we face a global war on terror with Al Qaeda active in more than 60 countries, now is not the time to pull-back our forces, and I question why President Bush would want to do this now."

-- Gen. Wesley Clark for Kerry/Edwards
So, then, General, what exactly is your position on this:

Under pressure to offer a clear alternative to US President George W. Bush, Mr Kerry promised last week to "significantly" draw down the 138,000-strong US force in Iraq within eight months of taking office.
I question the timing of all this.

Clown. (And war criminal? Just asking...)

John Kerry Delenda Est!