Friday, August 06, 2004

A Swift Vet Retracts Statement

Read about it here.

10:00 AM Update

Glenn Reynolds has an interesting round up of commentary on the implications of the ad.

The DNC's Corps of Trial Lawyers has threatened to sue stations that run the ad.

10:20 AM Update

NRO's Tim Graham:
The first argument the Kerry Corps brings up on this issue of Kerry's battlefield behavior (including his use of home movie cameras for his forthcoming political career) is timing, timing, timing. Here's the answer. Yes, you're right. The timing is all wrong, very partisan. The press should have been interviewing these critical veterans in JANUARY, when Kerry was using Jim Rassman as his running mate in Iowa, but they're way too partisan. Are they reporters, or just stenographers to Democratic power? If January seems too inconveniently early before Kerry wins the nomination, how about May, when the swift boat vets held an event at the National Press Club? In 1999, these reporters ran around trying to prove that George W. Bush snorted cocaine in the 1970s. But on this biographical front, they're all waiting for Kerry campaign handouts and pressing for John McCain denunciations.
I agree with every one of these points.

12:30 PM Update

Dean Esmay has some very valid points to add to the discussion.

2:30 PM Update

Now Drudge has a retraction of the retraction:
"Captain George Elliott describes an article appearing in today’s edition of the BOSTON GLOBE by Mike Kranish as extremely inaccurate and highly misstating his actual views. He reaffirms his statement in the current advertisement paid for by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Captain Elliott reaffirms his affidavit in support of that advertisement, and he reaffirms his request that the ad be played.

"Additional documentation will follow.

"The article by Mr. Kranish is particularly surprising given page 102 of Mr. Kranish’s own book quoting John Kerry as acknowledging that he killed a single, wounded, fleeing Viet Cong soldier whom he was afraid would turn around.

"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has more than 250 supporters who are revealing first hand, eyewitness accounts of numerous incidents concerning John Kerry’s military service record. The organization will continue to discuss much of what John Kerry has reported as fact concerning his four-month tour of duty in Vietnam."
Oh, please...stop the insanity!

John Kerry Delenda Est!