Wednesday, September 15, 2004

9/11 Families Endorse Kerry?

That's what the headline of this release says. But the first word of the release tells you all you need to know...
Five September 11th families Tuesday endorsed John Kerry for president during a press conference in Washington, DC. The five women who lost their husbands in the World Trade Center on September 11th met Kerry last week and endorsed him today saying they believe that John Kerry has a stronger commitment to and will be more effective at fighting and winning the war on terror. The five women are committed to working over the next 49 days to elect John Kerry as president.

The women endorsing Kerry are: Kristen Breitweiser of Middletown Township, NJ; Patty Casazza of Colts Neck, NJ; Monica Gabrielle of West Haven, CT; Mindy Kleinberg of East Brunswick, New Jersey; and Lorie Van Auken of East Brunswick, NJ.

Matt's Chat

Kerry/Edwards continue to mislead America. They would have you believe that all of the families who lost loved ones on September 11th are backing their candidate, but the truth they have to admit is that only five came forward to pledge their support. Five. How many people died that day? And Kerry/Edwards dares to say that Bush/Cheney politicized 9/11? Give me a break.

Mark's Remarks

John Kerry Delenda Est!