By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
This is the concluding paragraph of a story from the Washington Times:Mr. Kerry's current political difficulties will grow much more serious if a supporter of Iranian democracy is hauled off to jail for refusing to endanger the lives of Iranian dissidents by allowing their names to be publicized in court — at the insistence of a prominent Kerry financial backer, no less.Well, that got me interested to find out a bit more.
The Kerry supporter, Hassan Nemazee, has raised over a half million for the DNC through a program that is being tracked by the Kerry campaign for the purpose of potential reward should Kerry win the presidency (CBS News) and over $100,000 for the Kerry campaign itself (Washington Times). Mr. Nemazee served on the board for the Iranian American PAC, which advocates a, shall we say, "more sensitive" approach to Iranian/American relations. Nemazee resigned after a year and says he no longer supports the current Iranian regime, but has defended Kerry's weak position on Iran.
The supporter of Iranian democracy is Aryo Pirouznia, coordinator for Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran (SMCCDI). On July 16, 2003, SMCCDI sent a letter to Sen. Ted Kennedy. Here is an excerpt from that letter:
Senator Kennedy, why and how would you permit a terrorist, barbaric and brutal regime such as the Islamic Republic, that is occupying Iran at the present time, to associate itself with you and your name?Needless to say, Mr. Nemazee was not pleased. His lawyers filed a lawsuit and according to the Washington Times article...
Regrettably, we have been informed that since the previous lobby group of the Islamic Republic, called American Iranian Council (AIC), has been exposed and discredited, new proxies have filled in and have formed a new group under the title of: Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC). This group has indicated that you would be participating as a keynote guest in the reception that will mark their official launching!
The main founding member of this group is Mr. Hassan Nemazee, an American of Iranian origin, who's recognized by many Iranians, Iranian-Americans and this committee, as one discredited and well-known individual who's seeking to legitimize the tyrannical Islamic Republic regime. It's to note that this regime is also well known as to be the main sponsor of terror and Nemazee's agenda and ultimate goal has been the promotion and support of relations with it.
Mr. Nemazee's lawyers are demanding that the student group's attorneys provide information on communications between Mr. Pirouznia and Bonafsheh Zand-Bonazzi, another prominent Iranian pro-democracy activist, whose ailing, elderly father has spent much of the past year in jail for having the temerity to criticize the regime. SMCCDI's lawyers believe that if they are forced to provide this information in court, it could jeopardize the lives of student activists in Iran. Mr. Pirouznia says he would rather go to jail than permit this to occur.Embarrassing for Kerry/Edwards? Sure. But not a scandal that they couldn't weather with the Clinton team they have assembled. And the Clintonistas will be more than happy to defend Nemazee because he helped them out too (Forbes Magazine:
This polished socialite has a Harvard degree, a position on one of the university's prestigious visiting committees and a lot of well-connected friends. In November 1995 he hosted a dinner featuring Al Gore, raising $250,000 for the Democratic National Committee. Over the past four years Nemazee and his family have given more than $150,000 to Democratic politicians and the DNC. Six of Nemazee's friends and relatives have given $10,000 apiece -- the maximum allowable per year -- to Bill Clinton's legal defense fund.This is one to keep an eye on, but I don't think it will get much traction.

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This just in...Burke's Peerage, which researches genealogy, said the Democratic presidential candidate traces descent through his mother, Rosemary Forbes, to the royal houses of Albania, England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Byzantium, Persia (Iran) and France.Emphasis added.
This stuff is just getting out of hand now...