Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Another Fine Bush Performance

From my good friend Eric Totels on the Montgomery County Ohio for Bush site:
The President was on message, and his delivery was nearly flawless. He appeared natural and un-rehearsed, ad-libbed some funny comments on the fly, and came off as a sincere, personable, and likeable person. The most incredible thing to me was that he was naturally in complete command of the room and the stage. If the President is half as much on his game this Thursday as he was yesterday, Kerry will leave the stage either crying or with a wet spot on his pants.

Matt's Chat

Eric caught the President in Springfield the same day Mark and I saw him in West Chester. I would have to agree with Eric that the President was in full command of the stage and was in the best of form. Should be an interesting set of debates...

Previously on WMD

Our Bush visit coverage.

John Kerry Delenda Est!