Thursday, September 02, 2004

Another Glaring Example of Media Bias

By Mark for the TIB Network:

Zell Miller gave a fiery speech last night in which he did not attack John Kerry's service in Vietnam. Zell Miller gave a speech last night in which he did not attack John Kerry's personal life or his marital fidelity. Zell Miller did not compare John Kerry with Adolf Hitler or call him a traitor to his country. Zell Miller did not make up stories that Kerry knew 9/11 would happen.

However, to hear the 'mainstream' (haha!) media tell it, Zell Miller advocated Nazism, called John Kerry a drug dealing traitor who should die.

Where has the criticism and cries of personal attack been over the past year and a half, as Al Gore called Bush a traitor, Al Sharpton called him a gang leader, Dennis Kucinich said he killed civilians, and Howeird Dean said Bush knew about 9/11?

Where has the criticism been for these screeds? Especially since NONE of their allegations could be proven. There is no evidence Bush betrayed the country. There is no evidence he is the head of a cartel gang. There is no evidence he knew the specifics of 9/11 and did nothing. However, the media has not criticized or villified these people over the last year and a half as much as they have tried to crucify Zell Miller in less than 24 hours! And Zell Miller has facts! He was in the room when Ted Kennedy and John Kerry and Tom Daschle argued in the Democratic Caucus for holding up the Homeland Security Bill (they would like you to believe they created it) to win votes with the Federal Employee Unions. Then, after the election of 2002, they dropped it because the elections were over. HE SAW the hypocrisy and politicking!!!!!

Of course, look at the media...They discount automatically the affadavits and views of 200+ Vietnam Vets who served with Kerry and blindly support the views of 14 who support him....

It used to be eyewitness testimony was evidence....Now, it is only considered so if it benefits the Left....Something is wrong with that.

Thank goodness America is learning and discounting the 'mainstream' media.

John Kerry Delenda Est!