Thursday, September 02, 2004

Republican National Convention...

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

...not the Bush/Cheney National Convention.

That's my answer.

What is the question?

Glad you asked.

How come the convention has put up "moderates" like McCain and Arnold who don't represent the views of Bush and Cheney?

Mark's Remarks

Of course, Matt, the media cannot understand that a party can have true diversity of opinion. The media cannot understand that conventions are about the party, not a cult of personality. Why is that? It is because they are biased toward the Left, and they have worked hard to protect Kerry, and now it is falling apart. As people attempt to paint Republicans as rich white men, we are shown other pictures of the Republican party, even people who disagree with the President on issues. They are not booed or villified. They are not prevented from speaking because they may be pro-choice (PA's Dem governor was prevented from speaking at the convention because he was pro-life, a ban that has still continued), they are encouraged to speak...Why?

Because Republicans can accept diversity of opinion. They can respect differences. They do not resort to psychobabble explanations of subconcious hate or some nonsense as the Left does. They can agree to disagree, as the differences between Rudy, Arnold, and W.

The media hates this, because it tears into their preconceptions. Bigots hate to be proven wrong. And the media are bigots.

John Kerry Delenda Est!