By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
From the Telegraph:Kofi Annan flipped out in an interview in which he claims the Iraq war was illegal and then undermined the democratic process now underway in that country.
Asked on the BBC World Service if the war was illegal, he replied: "Yes, if you wish." He also said the planned elections could not be held in Iraq next January if the unrest continued.
"You cannot have credible elections if the security conditions continue as they are now," he added.
Matt's Chat
Mr. Annan is certainly entitled to his opinion, but I'd like to point out a few things:And Mr. Annan, more than anybody, should know that his comments about the upcoming election will only serve to encourage the terrorists in Iraq to continue their violence. The terrorists are trying their hardest to put off that election as long as possible; in fact, they hope to stop it altogether.Mr. Annan is not the Chief Justice of a World Court; nor is he President of the World. Mr. Annan has not cooperated with the investigation of his own scandal. We call it Oil for FoodTerror. His own son is implicated in that fiasco not to mention a number of high level UN officials.How many humanitarian disasters have been allowed to occur on Annan's watch? I lost count. Mr. Annan needs to take another look at UN Security Council Resolution 1441. His opinion does not trump the Security Council's no matter how you read the UN Charter.
Mr. Annan can be ticked off at the United States in general and President Bush specifically all he likes. He can join Jack Iraq and the rest of that bunch as far as I'm concerned, but making statements that encourage continued violence in Iraq are inappropriate and Mr. Annan should be made to recant by the Security Council.