By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
A leading Spanish newspaper, El Pais, is using the terrorist attack of September 11 on New York City in an e-mail advertisement for its online version, prompting scathing criticism in the blogosphere.
The ad features two photos of the New York City skyline, one with the Twin Towers, which is dated Sept. 11, 2001, and one without them dated Sept. 12, 2001.
Under the photo is a caption in Spanish that translates: "You can do a lot in one single day; just imagine what can happen in three months."

The ad continues to explain that the paper is offering a free three-month subscription to its online version.
"Subscribe now to EL and enjoys three months of the news free," the ad states in Spanish.
Matt's Chat
Spain can kiss my @$$ if this is the kind of thing they think is appropriate. What an outrage. I seldom agree with the commenters on LittleGreenFootballs but this time, I think this is rather appropo:
"I'm speechless. Hey, Españosocialistas, how about an ad campaign featuring photos of bombed-out Madrid trains, and a caption along the lines of 'the pain in Spain falls mainly on the trains'? Wouldn't that be cute and funny?"
I know I'm laughing...
9:30 AM Update
James Lileks:
This does not reflect poorly on Spain. This reflects poorly on Socialists, subset Spanish.
Good point. 9/11 is one of those issues, though, that folks have to be careful with. I'd like to see Spanish media rip these guys a new one just to make sure it is a fluke and not a trend.
9/20 UPDATE:
I see this post is getting some traction across the pond... A note to our Spanish friends: please let us know whether the callousness of this ad reflects the general disposition of Spaniards. I don't think it does. I've tracked back a few of the links and the impression that I get is that you all think this is horrible (although my Spanish skills suck, sorry!). I encourage you to continue to speak up...
John Kerry Delenda Est!