By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
From Yahoo News:Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry appealed for an end to the TV advertising war that has marked his election battle against President George W. Bush.Whoever wrote that drivel needs to take a class on objectivity. You can't accept John Kerry at his word just because he says something. Not if you are a REAL journalist. You can't let John Kerry get away with nonsense portraying the ads against him as the only negative ads out there. Has the writer checked out those and Media Fund ads? They are horribly negative. And not accurate either.
Kerry said the avalanche of negative television spots and attacks being shown on US screens was scaring off voters.
"Americans need a real conversation over our future," Kerry said in a speech at a school in Spring Green, Wisconsin.
"What they don't need is all these trumped up advertisements, they just make people curl up and walk away," added the Massachusetts senator.
"I'm calling them 'misleadisments,'" Kerry said of the adverts. "It's all scare tactics ... because (Bush) has no record to run on."
Sounds like John Kerry is agreeing with the President, finally, about 527s.
I am not going to let John Kerry get away with that "no record to run on" rhetoric either. John, you need to look in the mirror when you say that. During your convention when you were "Reporting for duty," how much spotlight did you or your surrogates place on YOUR record in the Senate? How many pieces of legislation, that passed, bear YOUR name? What have YOU done for America?
John Kerry has no record to run on and this silly line is nothing more than the famed liberal projection we've been discussing here at WMD for quite some time.