Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Religion of PeaceTM Update

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

This is CNN:
A Web site associated with a group calling itself Jaish Ansar al-Sunna posted gruesome still images and video of militants beheading one of the Nepalis and shooting to death 11 more as they lay on the ground face down.

The still images on the Web site appear to have been taken from the video.

Jaish Ansar al-Sunna, which claimed August 23 to have kidnapped the 12 Nepalis, said they were killed "for their cooperation with the United States in fighting Islam and its people."

The group described the men as working for a Nepalese company that works under a Jordanian firm doing business in Iraq.

Nepal's ambassador to Qatar, Somananda Suman, confirmed the deaths Tuesday and said the government had requested that the bodies be returned to Nepal.

Matt's Chat

Defeating this barbarism is why we fight. Not just for us, but for the world.

Mark's Remarks

This type of animal behavior does not merit a "sensitve" war. It merits destruction. To accomplish that destruction we must light the lamp of hope in the people of the Muslim world. The best ignitor of hope is freedom. Of course, the Left may have missed this lesson, since they were fighting against Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.

John Kerry Delenda Est!