Wednesday, September 01, 2004

War on Terror Militant Islam: The Russian Front

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

This is CNN:
Seven people were killed as armed attackers stormed a school in southern Russia and took at least 100 people hostage, Russian media said.

Children, parents and teachers were herded into the school as they gathered for a ceremony marking the first day of class. The attackers issued demands to Russian authorities and threatened to kill the children.
The seizure of the school comes a day after a female suicide bomber killed nine people and herself and wounded 51 others when she detonated a bomb outside a subway station in northeastern Moscow.

Authorities did not immediately say if the female bomber was Chechen.

The bombing marked the second major terrorist attack on Russia in a week, following near-simultaneous attacks on two Russian airliners by what authorities believe were two Chechen women suicide bombers. Eighty-nine people died in the crashes on August 24.

Matt's Chat

They don't care whether or not you sent troops to Iraq. They want you dead. These tactics are deplorable and disgusting.

Appease these guys and you get more of this. Let's see if Putin figures out what France hasn't...

3:55 PM Update

So Spake Spoons:
I think what we really need to ask ourselves is, what did those Russian children do to make the terrorists hate them?
Good question.

Mark's Remarks

What is galling still is the media coverage. The animals who would savage children are not called terrorists; they are called separatists or rebels. Come on, there is a difference between rebelling and terrorizing people who did nothing to warrant being killed. Wait, I forgot...this is the liberal media--the same people who felt (and still deep down feel this way) that 9/11 was OUR fault....It makes me sick.

My heart and my prayers go out to the Russian people, especially the children. I hope and pray that this event will serve as a galvanizing force for the Russians and the world to realize that it does not matter to these animals if you are in Iraq or not, they want the destruction of Western society, even those societies still in the earlier stages of modernization, like the nation of Russia.

John Kerry Delenda Est!