Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Crack the Vote Update

We have a statement from the Executive Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund:
Following is a statement of Greg Moore, executive director of the NAACP National Voter Fund, regarding the Ohio man charged with voter registration fraud:

The NAACP National Voter Fund is shocked by the stories swirling in Ohio regarding a Defiance man who has allegedly filled in over 100 fraudulent voter registration forms in exchange for cocaine. This matter deserves the attention of law enforcement. If laws have been violated, then legal action should be taken against the people who are responsible.

The NAACP National Voter Fund has detailed guidelines outlining procedures that should be followed by its volunteers. The individual arrested in Defiance is not a volunteer on record with our organization. Any person who works on behalf of NVF is required to abide by these guidelines and all applicable federal and state laws.

We believe anyone violating the law hurts the credibility of NVF and more importantly, the thousands of hard working men and women who are legally registering people to vote.

NVF has registered over 80,000 new voters in the state of Ohio and over 225,000 nationwide. These volunteers and canvassers who have worked tirelessly to enfranchise the disenfranchised citizens of Ohio throughout the year should not have their work discredited by the alleged acts of others.

We will not allow these allegations to disrupt our efforts to mobilize voters and ensure that their votes are counted on Election Day.
Notice no mention of disciplinary action taken on the part of the NAACP against the two who WERE affiliated with the NAACP National Voter Fund.


4:45PM Update

Bill Ardolino of INDC Journal and the CBS fake memo scandal has the goods on the leaked RNC memo about this "Crack the Vote" strategy. That Karl Rove IS a genius! For the humor-challenged, Bill's memo is a FAKE.

John Kerry Delenda Est!