Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Holy $#|+ Update: Kerry Edition

From WorldNetDaily:
"I went to Rome in person to submit two critical questions to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith," Balestrieri is quoted as saying. "The first: Whether or not the church's teaching condemning any direct abortion is a dogma of Divine and Catholic Faith, and if the denial and doubt of the same constitutes heresy. The second: Whether or not a denial of the church's teaching condemning every right to abortion also constitutes heresy. Father Cole, an expert theologian who studied the matter carefully, responded in the affirmative on both counts."

Cole wrote, "If a Catholic publicly and obstinately supports the civil right to abortion, knowing that the Church teaches officially against that legislation, he or she commits that heresy envisioned by Can. 751 of the Code [of Canon Law]. Provided that the presumptions of knowledge of the law and penalty and imputability are not rebutted in the external forum, one is automatically excommunicated. ..."
As ignorant as John Kerry is about his faith, this will not be enough for Kerry to concede the argument and realize that yet again he is wrong. And if it is, his hubris will not allow him to admit it publically...

I am actually sad for John Kerry. Excommunication is a serious matter. I hope he can get the matter resolved, but I caution him against attempting to "nuance" his way out of his troubles.

The Church does have other problems, but heresy of this magnitude needs to be addressed and should have a LONG time ago...

Still no word on whether or not a vote for a politican that supports abortion is a sin... Developing...as Matt Drudge would say, but this is a blow to Kerry's credibility on the issue.

2:25PM Update

Catholic News Service: Vatican says, "Not so fast." My analysis: Politics over Dogma wins again at the Vatican.

John Kerry Delenda Est!