Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Crispy Rice Treats: The Sequel

From CyberCast News Service:
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) accused National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice in a confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of lying to the American people over the urgency of the nuclear threat Saddam Hussein posed before the Iraq war.

Boxer characterized the Bush administration's push for the war in Iraq as the same way a company pushes a new product. "The war was sold to the American people as chief of staff to President Bush, Andy Card said 'like a new product' - those were his words. Remember he said, 'you don't roll out a new product in the summer,' she said.

Boxer said Rice "rolled out the idea" and then "had to convince the people" that the war was necessary. "And I personally believe - this is my personal view - that your loyalty to the mission you were given to sell this war overwhelmed your respect for the truth ..."

After Boxer's opening statement, Rice shot back, saying "I have to say that I have never ever lost respect for the truth in the service of anything. It is not my nature.

"It is not my character, and I would hope that we can have this conversation and discuss what happened before and what went on before and what I said without impugning my credibility or my integrity," Rice added.
No word from Hugh Hewitt yet, but I suspect we'll hear that Rice played Boxer like a bongo drum...and she did.

Mark's Remarks

It is no wonder the Dims hate Rice so much. Everytime they attack, she makes them look like the hollow, elitist, closet racist types they are. Senator Boxer, you know, the one who attended Fahrenheit 9/11's premiere, who listened to propagandist Michael Moore and supported the protest of the certification of votes, attempted to bait Rice into anger. Condi replied with typical grace. Boxer is a joke, she wasted several hours' of the Congress' time by supporting the protest, and she is wasting time now. She is merely attempting to grandstand, to bait, and to put forth platitudes and hateful charges that are without evidence and without merit.

As for Mr. Kerry's questioning: Hey, Johnny boy-you LOST! The American people did not believe your nuancing, and they are not going to buy it now. Mr. Kerry came up with bogus claims of "countries offering help but being turned away." Come on now. Russia has not offered help, and we are currently using Germany's assistance in training. And Russia, well, Russia is being Russia. John, you really need to stop listening to Michael Moore and the Dimocrapic Underground. Come on John, let it go--you lost. Let it go. His questions, whoops, Charges, were answered deftly by Dr. Rice, and I believe her opening statement was one of great eloquence and a great commentary on foreign relations. I loved how she cited Time articles from the late 1940s with the pessimism against the Marshall Plan. Wow, another time when the MSM was completely, utterly, totally wrong!!!!! I loved how when she was asked about the progress in Iraq with the instability, she shot back that considering that at this early stage of the game in American history, her own ancestors couldn't vote; that the Iraqis were further along, I loved the way she shut them up. Condi is an excellent choice for State. She is the American Margaret Thatcher.

It was disgraceful to see the questions she had to take, especially from Kerry and Boxer. Boxer, especially, who seemed to take glee in calling her honor into question. Come on now, Babs, do I need to drag your many scandals out in the open? Oh, and by the way, why aren't you calling Bill Clinton and yourself a liar for saying Saddam had WMD? Remember, Babs? You said Clinton was "right and justified" in ordering airstrikes, that Saddam had WMD capability and that those who opposed it "needed to move past political agendas." Wow, Babs, maybe you should take those words to heart, eh?

Islamofascism Delenda Est!