Wednesday, January 19, 2005

UN Funds Terror?

From WorldNetDaily:
The former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations says the global body, through several of its agencies, is funding terrorist organizations.

Citing documents captured by Israeli Defense Force personnel, Ambassador Dore Gold says funds flowed from the United Nations Development Program, or UNDP, to two leading Hamas front organizations.

In a column slated to be published today in the Wall Street Journal, Gold said donations of between $4,000 and $10,000 went to the Tulkarm Charity Committee and the Jenin District Committee for Charitable Funds.

"Receipts and even copies of thank you notes to UNDP were discovered," he writes.
Well, this is coming from an Israeli, a biased source on this subject if I ever saw one...but the report is well worth checking out. It wouldn't surprise me any to find that this is in act true, the UN doesn't seem to care much who gets their (read mostly our) money or what they do with it. Color me skeptical until there is independent confirmation...

Mark's Remarks

Despite my lack of affinity for the UN, I, too remain skeptical. However, I wish to address some of the comments I have read with this story. OK, HAMAS is a legitimate party, but it has a military wing. OK, then I guess the German Socialist Workers' Party was legitimate in 1936, just its military wing was out of control. Come on now. Playing the semantics game is not the answer. If Hamas does want peace, it needs to police itself. If it is incapable, then it has ceased to be legitimate and has fallen into the realm of terror organizations, at least that is my view.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!